Covid Blindside in 2020 &
2021. Let us all be truthful. Many of our churches have not recovered from
the effects from the Covid Pandemic. We never imagined it would last so long, take so many lives, and seemed to cause most churches to take a defensive stance, scrambling to take control of a
situation most never saw coming. But that was in the past!!! Some churches and pastors still have a mindset of how those years negatively affected their church and how they operated. I will say
again, that was in the past!!! How do churches and pastors move forward and do what God has called them to do? Yes, some people still have not come back to the church but does that hinder
the church moving forward? Yes, we had to conduct services differently during those times but what does that have to do with us moving forward?
People in our church and community awaits our decision. It is imperative that our
churches remain focused on the Great Commission and make a difference in the hearts and lives of individuals all around. Without the church, what hope does America have? We can help
others to “fear not” and to place their faith in the One who can bring “everlasting peace”. The church can be a tremendous help for those in need or are hurting.
For most, reaching the lost can be challenging but without a vision, what hope does America have? America needs
what the church has but people will not come running into the church. Our nation is hurting and people are crying out for help but maost churches do not really hear them. Most will see
the violence, chaos, protests, and a moral decay. While Christians may not like what they see, people are communicating they need help, they just do not know the church has the answer to their
Can the church set new goals that will include those who are lost and hurting? Or
is the church more interested in being inwardly focused than they are reaching out to others.
10 Ideas on Moving Your Church Forward
- Begins with prayer.
Even if our church is blessed to have great leaders and staff members, our goals and objectives are inferior to
God’s. None of us predicted this pandemic, but He knew it was coming and He will know how your church can move forward more effectively with His Plan.
- Begins with
Planning/Vision. There are many questions that a church may ask itself to help the church
move forward:
1. Address unanswered questions such as, “How can we get new people to visit our church?”, "How can our church be attractive enough for others to notice her importance?" and "How can the
church reach out to others in a receptive way?"
2. Create a new Vision/Mission Statement.
3. Create a strategic plan for your church that includes your goals, objectives, mission, outreach, and general direction of your church. Ask, "What do you hope to accomplish?" "Is your goal or
vision measurable and one that you can accomplish?" What do you need in place to successfully kick these off?
4. The vision of the church must be something your whole church and leadership will embrace, participate, and believe in that vision.
5. Using your strengths, objectively brainstorm with others on how this plan will successfully move your church forward with everyone working together and one accord.
6. Develop a formal budgeting plan to insure adequate funding for your mission strategy. It should also include a plan for equipment and salaries. Do not forget to include capital
improvements if needed.
7. Planning and expectations should be in writing and achievable. What good are goals if they are not achievable or not communicated well with others? A lack of communication is
a lack of planning and a lack of having a defined plan leads to operating “less-than” we could be operating.
8. Communicate this vision throughout the year. You may use a slogan or theme when desctribing it. Frequently give updates and progress on what the church has achieved. This
can buiild excitement that will carry further momentum.
9. Assign leaders to oversee specific tasks or outreach. Have regular meeting with team members to discuss what is working and what is not. Quickly correct those areas that are not
10. The church leadership must me unfied from top to bottom. Pastors need to share how instrumental each leader
is on movinng the church forward.
- Begins with
Monitoring. Monitor your goals and objectives on a regular basis to make sure you are on
track. Modify or adjust as needed to ensure the success you are hoping for.
- Begins with the Right
People. A church does not have to have a large payroll or staff to ensure success, but no
church can operate without people. Every church must rely on volunteers to fill the gaps needed to make every church run effectively! The key is finding the right personnel to help your
church to move forward in a way that produces positive results.
- Begins with Communicating to Your Church Family and
Community. Take time to communicate your goals and objectives to the church and advertise
this regularly to the community. Your church family and workers need to invest in your vision! Getting people involved and “on the same page” can result in positive results.
Remember...Many people can accomplish much more than just a few. Look for ways to keep your people engaged.
- Begins with Fruit. This could have easily been listed first but nothing comes before prayer. We need His (the Lord’s) guidance, we also
need to plan, and monitor our progress from time to time. We are hopeful we have the right people with the right spirit to communicate what we are hoping to accomplish. But...without
love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, why would anyone want to be a part of your church family? This is a must. A good leader will remind and
maintain the "Fruits" in every meeting and event.
- Begins with Realness. People in your community are hurting. Many are looking for answers even if they may be unaware of what they need. The
church has a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in the lives of thousands of people but again, the church must be real. People are looking for a real church
with real people who really care. The church should be a light and hope for all to see. It may mean that our church may look a little
different but ask yourself, "What does God want the church to do, sit still or move forward?" Are you willing to do this for the Kingdom of God?
These are only a few planning ideas for you and your church. Each day brings
wonderful opportunities to reach out to even more people. Jesus is still the answer to so many needs and people in our Nation. But the Lord uses us, the church, to accomplish His mission
and outreach to others.
We are simply encouraging pastors and churches to refocus on what God has called us to
be…His vessel, hand, and instrument in bringing others into the Kingdom of God. Learning from our past and moving forward with His guidance, we will surely accomplish much more. May God
bless you for what you do for the Kingdom of God.
Pastoral Care Staff
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