Inner Healing & Restoration




Anderson, Neil. 2000. The Bondage Breaker. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.


Cloud, Henry and John Townsend. 1992. Boundaries: When To Say Yes, When To Say No, To Take Control Of Your Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan


Eldridge, John. 2003. Walking the Dead: The Glory of a Heart Fully Alive. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishing.


Frost, Jack. 2002. Experiencing the Father’s Embrace. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House.


Harris, Joshua. 2003. Not Even a Hint: Guarding Your Heart Against Lust. Sisters, OR: Multnomath Publishers.


Joy, Donald M. 1986. Rebonding: Preventing and Restoring Damaged Relationships. Dallas, TX: Word Publishing.


Omartian, Stormie. 2001. Lord, I Want To Be Whole: The Power of Prayer and Scripture in Emotional Healing. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishing.


Payne, Leanne. 1995. The Healing Presence: Curing the Soul Through Union With Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.


Payne, Leanne. 1996. Restoring the Christian Soul: Overcoming Barriers to Completion in Christ Through Healing Prayer. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.


Payne, Leanne. 1996. The Broken Image: Restoring Personal Wholeness Through Healing Prayer. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

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