People who have become excellent have several distinguishing qualities. Here are ten observations that will help you become excellent at what you do, along with several challenging reflection questions to help you become excellent. Full article can be viewed and printed with Word or PDF formats at the links located at the bottom of this page.
1. People of excellence are honest about where they are, then they raise the
Excellence does not suggest that you are the smartest and wisest on the
earth. Excellence means you understand your current position in life and you seek to raise it to another level. People of excellence understand their personal strengths and weaknesses, and work hard to make themselves better at what they do.
Reflection: Do you work hard to constantly improve yourself?
2. People of excellence perceive average and stagnation as
A person seeking to be excellent does not tolerate average. Stagnation,
mediocrity, ordinary, and complacency do not reside in the vocabulary of excellent people. These words are enemies. Excellent people lose sleep when their performance is mediocre or below standard.
How do you feel after a late or mediocre delivery of your service?
Reflection: Do you find ways to improve your next opportunity or simply accept complacency?
3. People of excellence understand the potential threats to their
Professional athletes understand they simply cannot gorge on hamburgers, hot dogs and potato chips if they want to perform at an optimum level. An
undisciplined life destroys fulfillment of their dreams. There are spiritual, political, social, physical and mental threats that can hamper your daily success. A person of excellence is always prepared and recognizes potential
threats before they can cause any damage to him/her.
Let’s examine a few things we can do to ensure the threats do not overtake us:
Reflection: What threatens your excellence? i.e. Overeating, lack of exercise, lack of knowledge?
4. People of excellence realize they cannot be perfect, but can come
We know that there was only one perfect man who lived on the earth, that was Jesus Christ. He was perfect because he never sinned and completely
obeyed God with his life. However, you and I were born in sin (Psalms 51:5, therefore we make mistakes through our imperfections.
Perfection should never be the goal of any person. However excellent people realize when mistakes are made, they ensure that they do not repeat the same mistakes.
There are two benefits of making mistakes: a) you learn what doesn’t work, and b) you give yourself an opportunity to try a new approach.
Reflection: What have you learned from past mistakes?
5. People of excellence excel from year to
To excel means to leap from one level to another level. Excellent people never let their success stagnate their education and professional growth. They constantly attend seminars, reads books, and studies in their profession like a college student preparing for a final exam. Each year, their expertise becomes more in demand because of their commitment to excellence.
Reflection: What have you learned this year that you did not know or understand last year?
6. People of excellence constantly work on
If you are not satisfied with your job or career, the best way to change is to work on yourself. Excellent people don’t settle for excuses for why they are not excelling. They constantly work on themselves. The work never stops. If they are overweight, they work on it. If they need to make more money, they work on it. Excellent people do not wait for someone to motivate them to action. Their motivation is internal.
Reflection: Do you understand your personal motivations? What are they?
7. People of excellence dress above their
You can notice a person striving for excellence, because of the way they dress. They do not necessarily wear the finest labels or the most expensive suits, but the clothes they do wear are not tattered. If they have to wear a uniform, it is pressed. If they have to wear a suit, their shoes are polished and their shirt is clean. Their clothes fit. It is not the actual clothes, but the way they wear their clothes, which allows them to be noticed above everyone else, even if everyone is wearing the same thing.
Reflection: What can you do to improve your personal dress code?
8. People of excellence expect
God is an excellent God. Heaven is excellent. The earth is excellent. Everything God made is excellent. God expects and deserves excellence from His people.
Reflection: Do you expect excellence from your members or do you do you accept mediocrity?
9. People of excellence are influential.
Who are the people around you who are getting the promotions? Who are the people whose advice always seems to be in demand? Whether you like them or not, they have the power to influence the way other people think. Of
course there are class clowns who obtain a degree of influence. That’s not what I am talking about. Class clowns can be funny, but are never taken seriously. People of excellence leave a lasting mark on people and organizations.
Reflection: Are you a person of influence? If not, what are several things you can do to become a person of influence?
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10. People of excellence are attracted to
I noticed in high school and in college that people of common personalities and interests flocked together. The cool guys hung around together, the computer “nerds” gathered together, the beautiful people grouped together. However, there were always certain students who were committed to excellence in education. These students say “no” to parties and stay up late to work on term papers or other homework. Their commitment to excellence then has caused many of them to become today’s leaders.
Where to Begin
In our pursuit to become excellent and get unstuck from the dead-end jobs, financial pressures, and mediocre living, let’s determine what we need to do immediately to be a person of excellence. Remember that excellence doesn’t mean that you are perfect; it means being the very best that you can be.
A Few Excellent Thoughts to Help You “Stand Out”
Here are a few thoughts to help you create an excellent spirit. Apply the following lists to your daily tasks. This checklist will help separate you from those who just want to get by. People who are stuck in life do the exact opposite of the guidelines listed here.
I suggest that you copy this list and put in a prominent place where you will see it often.
The above listed phrases sound simple, but if you meditate on them and apply them to your daily tasks, excellence is headed your way!
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