Most Americans openly admit that one
of the most challenging areas in their life has to be in their marriage relationship... why? Mainly because a marriage
is made up of two different worlds trying to find common ground yet striving to maintain some of the individualism known as personality. Full article can be viewed and printed with Word or PDF formats at the links located at the bottom of this
Matthew 18:19 says “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall
agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my
Father which is in heaven.” Most of us don’t have a problem believing this scripture, after all, these are the very words of Jesus Himself. The problem lies in
our understanding of exactly what the term “agreement” really means.
When we look at Matthew 18:19 in the Amplified Bible we see a more
descriptive explanation of agreement... “Again I tell you that if two of you on earth agree
(harmonize together, together make a symphony) about - anything and
everything - whatever they shall ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by my
father in heaven.” In this definition we can clearly see that agreement is much more than just what you say!
Many couples find themselves at the point of frustration when it
comes to resolving conflict because they’ve always thought that this scripture was isolated to
only what and how they should pray when they need answers from God. However, this scripture suggests agreement, especially between a husband and wife,
is a life instead of an event. If you picture a symphonic band with all of it’s various instruments, each having different functions and distinct sounds, but all
moving toward one united purpose... to glorify the writer of the music that they play. Harmony is made up of several different sounds which, when combined
make an awesome chord that cannot be achieved alone... therefore they are inter de-pendent of each other if the goal of music through harmony is to be
Likewise, in a marriage you have two very different individuals who
are striving to accomplish a common goal. They usually come from different backgrounds,
lifestyles and family values which can present challenges when trying to become one flesh. Like those instruments, each spouse has to understand their
individual sound, what they bring to the marriage. They need to realize that differences in marriage can be a blessing, for they offer balance and ultimately help
to eliminate weaknesses within the relationship. The most vital element to becoming one flesh is allowing the word of God to be the guidebook and final authority
for your marriage... individually first and then corporately!
The success of your horizontal relationship with each other will be
based entirely on the strength of your vertical relationship with God. The true essence of
becoming one flesh is when each spouse allows God to change them individually, so that as they are making the necessary adjustments, they will gradually
be transformed into His perfect design for their lives corporately.
The true test of our love for God and each other is our willingness
to change the areas of our lives that we have become so comfortable with that we see no
reason why we should. It is a dishonor to say, “I love you” if that love is not backed up by the willingness to change whatever is hindering your agreement.
Amos 3:3 says “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” The words “walk together” denote progress... and two cannot progress or go forward unless
their lives are in sync with God and each other. Many marriages are stuck in neutral because of this very reason. They are both revving their engines and
making a lot of smoke and noise individually, but yet they never even leave their parking space!
What about you? Is your marriage “stuck in neutral”? Do you feel
that somewhere along the line you may have gotten off the path of agreement, or maybe
that you have never even started on it? Well, if so you are not alone. Walking in agreement in marriage is a challenge to everyone, but when you put God
first it is possible to enjoy all the benefits of the power of agreement through oneness!