It is impossible to live in a world without stress. It is natural but can be managed to what is felt or interpreted. Stress is a response your body makes to any demand placed upon it. When we think of stress, we often think negatively but there is also good stress. Full article can be viewed and printed with Word or PDF formats at the links located at the bottom of this page.
* Good Stress (eutress) is associated with feelings of joy, fulfillment and achievement.
* Bad Stress (distress) may involve prolonged and frequent transactions that takes place between you and your environment.
These outside events impinge on your belief system, your brain interprets what is happening and tells your body how to respond. Many people will "fight or flight" when this occurs. Adrenalin is pumped into the bloodstream, blood is diverted from various organs to the brain and muscles, pupils dilate, hands and feet perspire, breathing and heart rate increases, etc. The body is on alarm response.
There are many reasons for stress:
*The disparity between idealistic expectations and reality.
*Lack of clear defined boundaries-tasks never get done, workaholic, "I have to do everything" mentality.
*Peter Principle-feeling inadequate in leading an army of volunteers.
*Conflict in being a leader, trying to please everyone.
*Trying to be a "servant" to everyone.
*Time management problems.
*Problems with self-esteem.
*Multiplicity of roles.
*Inability to produce a "win-win" conflict resolution.
*Clergy being basically insecure, lonely and too serious.
Contributors to Stress:
* Bio-ecological factors related to poor diet-too much caffeine, refined white sugar, processed flour, salt
and poor exercise habits.
* Vocational factors include career uncertainty, role ambiguity, role conflicts, role overload and many more listed above.
* Psychological factors relate principally to the great life stressors-loss of loved one, divorce, personal injury or illness, financial difficulties, etc.
* Spiritual factors that cause stress include temptations of all kinds, pornography, sexual fantasies or sexual inappropriateness, despair if your church isn't growing, jealousy of the success of
others and any other way you feel the devil can get to you.
Possibilities from Chronic Stress:
* Heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke, rapid heart beat.
* Headaches, ulcers, backaches, jaw pain, arthritis, allergies, colds.
* Nervous tics, anxiety, hives, diarrhea, sexual problems, eating problems, insomnia.
* Immune system problems, cancer, mental lapses, infections.
Burnout is emotional exhaustion. Burnout can cause you to give up on something to which you have been passionately committed. Burnout can cause you to:
*Leave your church too soon.
*Quit doing what God has called you to do.
*Give up on your dreams.
*Change your attitude and personality.
*Damage your most important relationships.
*Be lead to moral failure and sexual sin.
Burnout is not usually found in lazy people. Men and women who suffer burnout are usually purposeful, committed, unselfish and somewhat idealistic servants of God. Burnout often hits people who believe, commit and serve with all their heart, in the area toward which they believe God has directed their commitment and involvement.
Burnout can lead to depression, discouragement, isolation, chronic fatigue, paranoia, becoming critical and judgmental of others, martyr complex, rejection, messiah complex and a lack of inspiration in your teaching or preaching.
Symptoms of Burnout:
Fatigue... frequent illnesses... sleep problems... disillusionment with work... cynicism toward people and church... sense of helplessness and hopelessness... feeling of powerless to change events... anger toward the "system"...depression and isolation... detachment from others... absenteeism... harshness in dealing with colleagues... reduced commitment to work.
Causes of Burnout:
Burnout is not a part of God's divine plan for your life. It happens when you get things out of order or because you are misused or abused by others. Here are some reasons why burnout occurs:
Is it possible not to experience burnout? We can develop actions to improve our attitude to prevent burnout. Here are a few:
Stress & Burnout Differences:
* Burnout is a defense characterized by discouragement. Stress is characterized by over engagement.
* In Burnout, the emotions become overactive. In stress, the physical damage is primary.
* The exhaustion of burnout affects motivation and drive. The exhaustion of stress affects the physical energy.
* Burnout is demoralization. Stress can best be understood as a loss of fuel and energy.
* The depression of burnout is caused by grief engendered by the loss of ideals and hope. The depression of stress is produced by the body's need to protect itself and conserve energy.
* Burnout produces a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. Stress produces paranoia, depersonalization, detachment, panic, phobias and anxiety type disorders.
* Burnout may never kill you but your life may not seem worth living, but stress can kill you prematurely and you won't have enough time to finish what you have started.
* Stress contributes to 90% of all diseases! Half of all visits to doctors are stress related. Anxiety reduction may be the largest single business in the western world.
* Doctors, lawyers and clergy have the most problems with drug abuse, alcoholism and suicide.
If you have a problem with stress and burnout, please get the help you need! Life is too short!!! I firmly believe you are "called" for such a time as this but you must guard against not fulfilling your call.
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