God has blessed us all with talents, skills, abilities, and resources that can be used in the Kingdom of God. God never intended for us to bury them but to use them freely. Why not use what God has blessed you with to bless our pastors and to further the Kingdom of God! Too many pastors have left the ministry or are currently considering leaving the ministry. Your gift of kindness can make all the difference in the world to a pastor who is discouraged, feeling all alone, or perhaps thinking that no one cares.
Why not join the list of thousands of other caregivers, just like yourself, to bless and encourage a pastor with the talents, skills, abilities, or resources God has already blessed you with. By joining our list, we make no obligations or commitment on your behalf, and we do not publish our list to the public. You just basically give us permission to call you if we have a pastor in need of your services. We hope you consider discounting your services for a pastor or even offer some of your services for free. Most of our pastors come from small churches ior are bi-vocational.
Again, thank you for considering to bless our pastors.