Listed below is a list for Grieving Children and Teens:
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Ann’s Corn, Barbara Santucci, death of grandfather, Eerdmans Pub.
Children and Grief: Helping Your Child Understand Death, Jay O’Connor, Fleming H. Revell Co. Pub.
Grandma’s Party, Meg Harper, ages 6 to 10, Barnabas Pub.
Guiding Your Child Through Grief, Mary Ann & James Emswiler, directors of one of the largest support groups for grieving children and their families, Random House.
Heaven Is A Wonderful Place, Joanne Marxhausen, ages 4 to 9, Concordia Pub. House.
Helping Children Grieve: When Someone They Loves Dies, Theresa M. Huntley, Augsburg Fortress Pub.
Hey, God! What Is Death? Roxie Caywood, ages 4 to 8, Faithworks.
How Does It Feel When A Parent Dies, Jill Krementy, told by children ages 7 to 16, Random House.
If Nathan Were Here, Mary Bahr, death of a friend, ages 4 to 8, Eerdmans Pub.
It’s Okay To Cry: A Parent’s Guide to Helping Children Through the Losses of Life, H. Norman Wright, workbook also available with age-specific sections, Waterbrook Press Pub.
Josh, Stephanie Jeffs & Jacqui Thomas, death of a friend, Barnabas Pub.
Missing Maggie: The Death of a Pet, Connie S. Owens, ages 4 to 8, Warner Press Pub.
Mudge, Gill and Steve, Jim Dainty, death of a baby, Church House Pub.
My Heart Is Sad: When Someone Special Dies, Connie S. Owens, ages 4 to 8, Warner Press Pub.
Never Say Goodbye, Lea Gillespie Gant, ages 3 to 8, Thomas Nelson Pub.
Out Dad Dies: The True Story of Three Kids Whose Lives Changed, Amy, Allie, and David Dennison, ages 4 to 8 at the time, Free Spirit Pub.
Remembering Mama, Dara Dokas, Augsburg Fortress Pub.
Rosie, Stephanie Jeffs & Jacqui Thomas, death of a sibling, Barnabas Pub.
Sarah’s Grandmother Goes to Heaven: A Book About Grief, Maribeth Boelts, Zondervan Pub.
Saying Goodbye When You Don’t Want To: Teens Dealing with Loss, Martha Bolton, Regal Books Pub.
Someone I Loved Died, Christine Harder Tanguald, ages 3 and up, Chariot Victor Pub; part of Please Help Me, God Series.
The Goodbye Boat, Mary Joslin, ages 2 and up, Eerdmans Pub.
The Grieving Child: A Parent’s Guide by Helen Fitzgerald, ages from pre-school to teen, Simon & Schuster Trade Sales.
The Grieving Teen, Helen Fitzgerals, Simon & Schuster Trade Sales
Waterbugs and Dragonflies: Explaining Death to Young Children, Doris Stickney, ages 9 to 12, Pilgrim Press Pub.
What Happened When Grandma Died, Peggy Barker, Concordia Pub. House.
What Happens When We Die? Carolyn Nystrom, ages 3 to 7, part of a series by the same author, Moody Pub.
When A Child You Love Is Grieving, Harold Ivan Smith, Beacon Hill Press.
When A Friend Dies: A Book for Teens About Grieving and Healing, Marilyn Gootman, Free Spirit Pub.
When A Loved One Dies: Walking Through Grief As a Teenager, book and video, Paraclete Press Pub. ISBN 1557253196.
When Goodbye Is Forever, Lois Rock, Ages 4 to 8, Good Books Pub.
When Someone You Love Dies, William Coleman, ages 8 to 12, Augsburg Fortress Pub.
When Your Child Loses A Loved One, Theresa Huntley, Augsburg Fortress Pub.
**Complied by Sheryl Blackwell, 2005. Presented by Pastoral Care, Inc. at
Listed below are books for grieving adults:
After the Locusts: Restoring Ruined Dreams, Reclaiming Wasted Years, Jan
Confessions of a Greiving Christian, Zig Zigler
Decembered Grief: Living with Loss While Others are Celebrating, Howard F. Smith
Devotions for the Brokenhearted, Robin Prince Monroe
Experiencing Grief, H. Norman Wright
Finding Your Way After Your Spouse Dies, Marta Felber
For Such a Time as This A Book of Comfort, Lanair G. Williams
For These Tough Times,, Max Lucado
For Those Who Hurt,, Chuck Swindoll
Getting Through the Tough Stuff,, Chuck Swindoll
A Gift of Mourning Glories: Restoring Your Life after Loss Georgia Shaffer, AWSA
Good Grief,, Granger E. Westberg
A Grace Disguised, Gerald Sittser
A Grief Observed,, C.S. Lewis
Grace for Tough Times, Mary J. Nelson
Grief Share, 1999, The Church Initiative
Grief-Work it, Let It Be, S. Leo Richardson
Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love, Raymond R. Mitsch & Lynn Brookside
If God is so Good, Why Do I Hurt So Bad?, David Biebel
Living Above Pain: Experiencing Joy in the Midst of Suffering, Alma Edith Welch
On Grief and Grieving,, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler
Prayer Guide for the Brokenhearted: Comfort and Healing on the Way to Wholeness, Michelle McKinney Hammond
The One-Year Book of Hope, Nancy Guthrie
Powerful Prayers for Challenging Times (Coming in October 2012), Jackie M. Johnson AWSA
Shattered Dreams, Larry Crabb
Strength and Hope Through the Seasons of Life, Cindy McMenamin AWSA
The Gift of Mourning Glories, Gloria Shaffer
Thoughts for the Holidays Finding Permission to Grieve,, Doug Manning
The Twenty-Third Psalm for Those Who Grieve, Carmen Leal AWSA When Women Walk Alone: Finding When You Can’t Find God: How to Ignite the Power of His Presence, Linda E. Shepherd AWSA
When You Don’t Know What to Pray: How to Talk to God about Anything, Linda E. Shepherd AWSA
Where Is God When It Hurts, Philip Yancey
Words of Comfort for Times of Loss, co-written with Liz Allison and Cecil Murphey
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