Maintaining Boundaries Insures Balance in the Ministry
The duties of a minister are becoming more challenging with each passing year. It is so easy to find ourselves “stretched” to the point of breaking, being discouraged, having our priorities out of balance, running here and there, affecting our personal and ministry life. Full article can be viewed and printed with Word or PDF formats at the links located at the bottom of this page.
We are called to do a marvelous work but we must maintain certain boundaries or safeguards to insure our productivity as well as maintain a healthy balance in our personal life. The very nature of our work seems to extend beyond what is deemed reasonable due to expectations of both our members and us. We can be our own worst enemy by wanting to be everything to everyone. People will allow us to work to extreme measures. It is up to us to maintain a healthy balance in our ministry and personal life! Listed below are some safeguards to consider to making your ministry more effective:
These are only a few ideas that can help you better manage your time and eliminate the saying, “Not having enough time in the day to do anything.” Remember, it is about placing God first, your family (and yourself) second, and your ministry (and your people) third. If you need further information on time management please visit our website for related articles. If you need to get away or have any other needs, please contact Pastoral Care, Inc. Be blessed, Be healthy!
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